Notable characteristics: Double flower with good stem strength, 6-7” in diameter. What makes this flower so unique is its color markings. We have noticed that each flower on the same plant will be different!
Cultivar group, hybridizer and year introduced: Anderson, 1981.
Growth habit and size at maturity: Upright, grows to 3′ tall and 3′ wide.
Flower form and size: Double form flowers held well above the foliage. Good stem strength. Excellent variety for landscape planting.
Flower fragrance: Very light.
Bloom time: Early-mid season peony, blooms in our USDA zone 6a garden in the first week of June.
Zone hardiness: Proven in USDA zones 3-9.
Plant size: 4-5 ‘eye’ plants with a well developed root system.
When we ship: FALL 2024.