Diospyros virginiana ‘Mohler’
Variety description: This cultivar of native persimmon comes to us by way of renowned horticulturalist and rare fruit enthusiast Lee Reich of New Paltz, NY. Lee likes this cultivar for several reasons; its very early ripening (begins at end of August in upstate New York), its proven to be quite cold hardy, and most importantly has a great flavor when fully ripe.
Site requirements: Persimmons grow best in a full sun location with fertile, well-drained soil. They are quite adaptable and will grow in poor, dry soils, though such conditions are far from ideal.
Size at maturity: With pruning, trees can be maintained at 15-20′.
Pests and diseases: None of concern.
Hardiness: Will grow in USDA zones 5-9.
Plant size: Grafted tree, 1-2′ tall with a well developed root system. Grown in a 4″ x 9″ tree pot.
Shipping restrictions: Cannot ship to California.