Aronia melanocarpa
Variety description: A fruit for the future! Aronia offers a beautiful spring display of blossoms, attractive dark green summer foliage and very nutritious berries which ripen in late summer.
Site requirements: Aronia berries grow best in a full sun location with fertile soil. They are quite adaptable and will grow in poor, drier sites as well.
Size at maturity: 8-12′ tall and wide.
Pollination: Self-fruitful.
Pests and diseases: No insects or diseases are of concern in the Northeast. Birds will eat the berries only in the winter when the frost has lessened their astringency.
Hardiness: Will grow in USDA zones 4-9.
Plant size: 3 yr. seedling, 2-3′ tall
When we ship: FALL 2024